Parents' Page

Here are some useful documents to help your child


Reading every day with your child is the most important thing you can do to help them to progress academically. Please listen to your child read and read books to them. Visit the local library and show an interest in reading.

Here are some advice documents to help you.


Maths is all around us. It is essential that your child masters primary mathematics so that they can become successful in Secondary school and beyond.

Here are some booklets that will help you to support your child.

Keeping Healthy 

The best thing that you can do to help your child is ensure that they:

Have a balanced healthy diet including at least 5 portions of fruit and veg every day.

Have enough sleep. Primary aged children should sleep for 10 - 12 hours every night.

Be active. Children need to have at least 30 minutes of daily exercise out of the school day.


We believe that a warm welcome, a positive approach and easy access to information are key to securing effective home/school communication. There are a number of ways for information to be shared between home and school, including:

  • Weekly newsletter
  • Text messaging service
  • Church services
  • 2 Parents' evenings
  • Seesaw
  • Teachers/TA's at the door at the end of each day to communicate informally
  • Headteacher available to meet
  • Pupil Support Manager on the playground in a morning
  • The school uses Ofsted's Parent View to gather feedback about the school
  • Parents' questionnaires.
  • Friendly, helpful staff in the office who can help direct you to any information you need
  • This website